Digital Snapshots
Eudora Welty Digital Archives Photographs
Project Credits
This project would not have been possible without help from the following contributors.
Thank you to Eudora Welty, LLC for granting permission for the use of images in this exhibit.
Digital Exhibit Team:
Photographs Selection:
Andrew P. Haley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History & 2023-2024 CDH Director, The University of Southern Mississippi
Patrick Hoehne, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History & Digital Humanities, The University of Southern Mississippi
Paige Mason, History M.A. student, The University of Southern Mississippi
Maeve Losen, CDH Manager, The University of Southern Mississippi
Paige Mason, History M.A. student, The University of Southern Mississippi
Classroom Activity Creation:
Al Wheat, Director of Education, Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Kari Baker, Assistant Director of Education, Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Bently Cochran, Outreach Programs Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Eudora Welty Digital Archives Photograph Advisement:
Elisabeth Cambonga, Manuscripts Archivist & Curator of Eudora Welty Collection - Archives & Records Services Division, Mississippi Department of Archives & History